Thursday 22 September 2011

Mainstream feature film poster & how they are different from Short film poster

The film 'Gladiator' is directed by Ridley scott. This is a mainstream film poster where the main character of the film is standing with a sword which this also can tell the genre would more likely to be Action. The enigma code of this film also supports Barthes 'The proairetic code', which is building interest and suspense.  However there is a similarities between 'Across the hall' where one of the character is with ha gun. The audience will be able to tell the story of the film is set in past where there use to be gladiators and can also tell by the clothes his wearing and the armour. The background of the poster shows Coliseum in Rome which again it shows the location of the film. As you can see this poster there is not much of writing included because they may not want you to give out any future information and keep the audience in surprise. However the short film poster 'George Lucas in love' has given out more detail to give the audience a hit what the film may be about. e.g. 'Dozens of years ago, in a nearby galaxy...' Even the colour of the poster can still indicate you that its based in past. The colour of the  poster 'Gladiator' uses brown to make the film ancient. Mainstream film poster have the billing block at the bottom of the poster.

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