Wednesday 5 October 2011

Online reviewing

Online Reviewing is important and easy for audience to review on films because you can directly connect to internet at home review on the film online. Reviewing is important because the audience can say their opinion about the film and what they liked and what they didn't like. However this can also help the producers and the director to identify what could they improve on more. However reviewing on conventional channels such as TV can be uncomfortable for some audiences because they may not want them to expose themselves on TV front of massive audience, but some people may feel comfortable and wont mind reviewing on TV channels. I personally think online review is better and safe to do because you can review by emailing where your email can be just between you and the sender. For example 'The Big Hit' (1998) the reviews have effected the film and its sales because there have been negative ones 'The script, by rookie writer Ben Ramsey, is among the most disgraceful screenplays ever to be produced by a major studio'  however on 'Rotten Tomato' 41% were positive reviews.

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