Tuesday 3 April 2012

Evaluation Question 3

From my initial planning I knew my target audience who are Business men with different social class. When I finished my film I showed it to the audience and I had some positive and non positive feedback. The Audience liked the camera angle I used ‘Tilt up’ during the first scene when Laura walks in to see the technician because it was managed professionally after me having few practices. It also showed slowly from bottom to top what she was wearing. I also used the advantage of natural light from outside, where I and Laura are discussing about the business plan on the laptop after I have returned it. The light was enough to cover the whole location and could see the face expression in more detail. Before I started filming I did a structured questionnaire about my film such as if they like the films name ‘Optiplex’ and however we got 90% audience who liked the name. The audience also liked the location we used, Mima Museum, because it was structured as a modern building. And was the meeting point for the technician (Ahmed) and the Business women (Laura). The Audience also liked the location on Mima terrace near the end because this location indicated many signs to the audiences such as I am rich and have control.

I also looked on other films feedback from the audiences. I used ‘Rotten Tomato’ to look at ‘Paul’ (2011) Which is an comedy film, the average rating was 6.3/10

Audiences comment:
‘Here's a movie that teeters on the edge of being really pretty good and loses its way.’

‘Well you go in thnking that this is just going to be a simple nerdy sci-fi flick and thats what you get, however it is surprisingly funny and enjoyable!A great cast and an enjoyable movie to keep you entertained!Its Not one of my favourtie Pegg and Frosts movie, however bring in seth rogen and 'anal probe' then its still entertaining and keeps you very much amused!’

Batman Begins (2005) Average rating 7.7/10

‘The character development/theme/plot all mended together so well. In my opinion, better than iron man. Great movie’
‘Its a great introduction of a darker batman from director christopher nolan. Truly a treat!’

However having feedback is important for the producer because it shows them what they have done well at and what they could improve on. If the producer gets mostly all positive feedback on the film then the producer may decide to make a second part of the film.
Throughout the audiences feedback there are some areas we could improve on. For example as I was talking about taking an advantage of natural light for out location, we have used it many times in different scene and some lighting have exaggerated our face expression during the scene at Thistle hotel entrance but however this was something we had no control of. During the scene of the film, I am coming up the stairs to meet Laura and when I reach the end point of the stairs the light is low and was hard for the audience to see the face expressions. I personally think our planning for the lighting was not good as it could be. In some point we thought about relaying on natural light and not use any of our own light. If we used any of our own light we could control the light and able to see where are we using extra light and where there is low light.

Friday 23 March 2012

Evaluation Question 2

The ancillary tasks I have done are related with my short film. I have chosen to make a poster and a radio trailer to make my film more effective to its target audience. As you know my target audience are working class people such as business men. On my poster it has a picture of my laptops keyboard. This indicated to the audiences that laptop has a main role in the film. The colour of the poster is white because (white keyboard) in the film we use white laptop. The white colour also suggests time because as you go back in time the colours fade away in white. However this indicates the theme of our film is ‘time’. If I was to do it again I would add darker colours rather than just adding light colours because the poster will stand out and catches people eye. As market wise the poster will be shown externally around offices and companies because it will catch employee’s eyes as they are going to work. I have shown the poster to the audience and they had a positive feedback, however they were impressed by picture of keyboard because the letters on the keyboard showed it’s targeted at people with different profession. I enjoyed making my radio trailer because it was very creative and something new for me. I liked editing the most because this was the point where we could delete the recording that wasn’t perfect and redo them to make it perfect and more professional. I did a research about how film trailers are presented, I looked at ‘SAFE’ 2012 trailer where I got an idea of narrator and from there I decided to add film dialogues because this can give the audience a small snap of the film. It ends with an rhetorical question because it gets the audience thinking and imagine themselves in the same position as the character of the film.00The Radio trailer will be played on the morning times when people are going work and during rush hour time when they are on the way back from work.

Key term used in Adop Photoshop to make my Poster:

Evaluation Question 4

Evaluation Question 1

Before we started filming we looked at short films and some the main stream such as ‘Paul’ it was set on western desert, it was more of a road trip/comedy genre. The starting of the film was Simon Pegg and Nick Frost. These are the comedy actors from previous films such as ‘Shaun of the Dead’. I looked at the camera shots they have used such as shot reveres shot. The theme of the film was buddies, how two friends get along from there I got an idea of having a opposition character where I look like an helpful technician but I turn out to ruin Laura’s life with a twist in the end. I needed a futuristic building in one of my shots so I decided to shoot at Mima Museum which was very modern building and the idea of futuristic location was also related to the film ‘iRobot’ starting with Will Smith. The internal of the Mima building was bright Wight matching the colours of the robots in the ‘iRobot’ and other buildings in the film. To decide the genre of the film we looked at different short films such as ‘Across the Hall’ by Alex Merkin a thriller genre. From there, I decided to have a thriller genre this may keep my audience suspense to see what will happen next. For example as Ahmed takes the laptop to fix it he goes in the future twice with different situations in the scene and it suspense the audience what’s he going to do.

Throughout the film we have used natural light for example when we were shooting at the entrance of Thistle hotel the sunlight was reflecting where Paige was acting, which this created a natural light effect on Paige’s face showing her face expression more effective. What we could improve in the film that when we were shooting at Thistle hotel entrance that light was very low when I was saying my dialogue, we were depending on the natural light from the sky to help us but for next time we need to prepare our own lightings. We have used smart business clothes representing middle class people such as dress pants, suite etc. The clothes were also part of indicating that its audience are business class people. As you can see during the film am wearing normal shirt and dress pant and at the end am malformed in to higher class by wearing suite. It’s showing change from one social class into higher social class. We followed rules for the short films such as it should not be too long, so we had to make within 10min. We followed the script that is on the blog but we added few of the changes which made our script much better.

According to me editing has helped me allot in the film, it has played 70% of the role because that is the point where it makes the scenes more professional and can cut the scenes that you don’t need. It is also is the fun part because my group and me enjoyed editing.

Before we started making our posters we looked at short film poster such as ‘Across the hall’. The way the poster was presented as it was a mainstream film. I also analysed other short film posters such as ‘George Lucas in Love’ so we can get an idea how short films poster appear like and what techniques are being used such as tag line. If you look at mainstream posters such as ‘Cowboy and Aliens’ they don’t have too much writing on and have fewer pictures on. If you compare it with short film poster such as ‘George Lucas in Love’ it contains many character pictures and writing. By analysing these posters thought of wanting something different. So I decided to have a picture of my laptops keyboard because rather than exposing any characters i thought about the keyboard picture and it also shows more of a business look.



Inside Mima

Thistle Hotel Reception

Teeside University (close up on the suite, hand etc...)

OPTIPLEX Trailer New